Transport Canada

Transport Canada Success Story

OpenText Document Management eDOCS Edition

OpenText Records Management

OpenText’s Records, Document, and Information Management System (RDIMS) connects Transport Canada country-wide


Transport Canada was concerned about the dissemination of information through electronic means, privacy assurances, corporate memory loss due to employee turnover, and the need for real-time access to information to satisfy requests and litigation concerns.


  • OpenText Document Management, eDOCS Edition
  • OpenText Records Management


Transport Canada has drastically improved collaboration that overcomes geographical impediments. Business processes and project management have been enhanced for better overall organizational performance. Additionally, productivity and efficiency have increased with real-time access to information, resulting in cost savings and substantial return on investment.

About the Organization

Transport Canada’s mission is to serve the public interest through the promotion of a safe and secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation system in Canada.
