OpenText Document Management eDOCS Edition
OpenText solutions Offer Improved Information Access and Web-Based Collaborative Workspaces to Help Streamline Firm-Wide Processes
Brinks wanted to replace their existing folder structure with a document management system and also wanted to improve their ability to access and share information and replace their home grown Extranet site with a secure Web-based workspace for true collaboration.
OpenText Document Management, eDOCS Edition
The OpenText DM solution has eased user acceptance and administrative operations with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Brinks employees can easily save e-mail messages and attachments into a document management system as fully text-searchable documents. OpenText Collaboration, eDOCS Edition, provides geographically dispersed teams and clients with access to information via personalized Extranet sites, improving client service levels.
About the Organization
Founded in 1917, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione is at the cutting edge of intellectual property law. It is one of the largest U.S. firms in its specialty with approximately 150 attorneys, supported by a full complement of scientific advisors, patent agents and paralegals.