
Casewise Corporate Modeler

Deloitte along with Casewise added significant value by implementing an enterprise wide business process improvement discipline


Having evolved the utility business over 100 years, Edison’s real estate function was being challenged by maintaining current service levels and scaling its capabilities to future needs, due to the following reasons:

  • Non-standardized business processes and practice
  • Loss of intellectual property due to retiring employee
  • Fragmented and siloed organization structures, mirrored by a lack of accountability and performance measurement
  • Lack of updated technology systems and infrastructure to support business needs.


Edison retained Deloitte as their management consultant to help them craft a solution for this systemic problem.

As part of Phase 1 of the project, Deloitte identified numerous people, process and technology challenges. As part of the next step, a prioritization of issues and challenges was undertaken which resulted in identifying the need to focus on process first.

Phase 2 involved an 8 months business process mapping and improvement exercise utilizing Casewise Corporate Publisher, to map out core processes, key roles and responsibilities, process risks, current and future technology enablers and required organizational changes.

Phase 3 consisted of developing supporting frameworks to make the recommended changes lasting such as change management, technology selection, performance management and system integration.

Phase 4 involves implementation of a single and powerful common technology platform across the enterprise core processes.


Deloitte along with Casewise added significant value at Edison by:

  • Implementation of an enterprise wide business process improvement discipline based on the success of the CRE initiative
  • Formal declination of Casewise as the official tool for business process modeling within the company
  • Identifying business requirements and the business case for a common technology platform across all core processes
  • Implementation of a common technology platform: SAP
  • Transforming Edison into an integrated and scalable organization leveraging common processes, protocols and technology.
