Swiss Re

Global Başarı Öyküleri Casewise Swiss Re Projesi

Casewise Corporate Modeler

How Corporate Modeler can be sed to create a comprehensive management overview of end-to-end buisness processes.

The case study explains how Corporate Modeler can be used and customized in a situation where an extended use of the database (Sox-related information) is required in conjunction with visualizations of the end-to-end business processes so that a comprehensive management overview can be derived. Additionally, the user friendliness is increased by introducing a third party application for the upload of information into Corporate Modeler.


Generally, a systematic Business Analysis is required for those projects which lead to a change of involved business processes or information requirements. Furthermore, Swiss Re is currently developing Business Reference Models which give a high-level overview of the business from an end-to-end perspective. The output of these workstreams needs to be published to all parties involved, ideally on Swiss Re’s Intranet and as downloadable Word documents. The introduction of Six Sigma and its integration with Swiss Re’s Business Models will be a new challenge in the future.


Corporate Modeler has been Swiss Re’s standard tool for all Business Systems Analysis related tasks since 1998.


The Business Models which were created with Corporate Modeler play an important role in the harmonization of business processes and the optimization of the information landscape of Swiss Re. Furthermore, they are also used in the definition of business requirements as part of future IT developments before the actual Systems Analysis starts. The importance of complete and consistent Business Models is even higher if the IT development is being outsourced
